About David Cabezas
David Cabezas joined the European Space Astronomy Centre in 2008 as a software support for scientist in the radio astronomy project “Host Country” for NASA Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex and PARTNeR educational project using the NASA radio antenna.
Since 2010 David has been collaborating with CESAR Education Project in software development, robotic telescope installation and multimedia maker.
As a freelance since 1999 he works in several projects, like Community Manager, Network Security, Game Programmer, Maker, Software Engineering, Creative Manager, Project Manager, Photography and Astrophotography, Electronics, Robotic, Home Automation, Artificial Intelligent, Algorithms, Database Administrator, Marketing Director, manage his own company, etc.
Last 5 years (since 2010) he discover another hobby, multimedia design and animator in 2D & 3D. You can see multimedia 2010-2013 projects in next link:
Last 2 years (since 2013) he manage the Space Educational Project for kids “Interplanetary Travel”:
In his other free time he observe the sky, travel, play sports (bicycle, football, padel, basketball, etc.), meet friends and try to go to the space =).